Having a long-term vision is crucial for discipling children and youth
A vision-orientation considers where you are going—clarifying your goals—and then carefully develops and implements an intentional plan in pursuing those goals. By having a long-term vision, you can more effectively develop a discipleship strategy that evaluates every program, activity, curriculum, and resource in terms of this greater vision.

Foundations for God-Centered Children's Ministry
God-centered children's ministry is fueled by a biblical vision for worship, biblical literacy, and faith in the next generation. In these videos, David and Sally Michael share the foundations of a God-centered children's ministry.
A Vision-Oriented Ministry
Our vision is that the next generations may know, honor, and treasure God, setting their hope in Christ alone, so that they will live as faithful disciples for the glory of God.
John Piper on the Vision of Truth78
A Mission for the Next Generations
Our mission is to inspire and equip the church and the home for the comprehensive discipleship of the next generation.

Grow in zeal for children's discipleship
Guiding Values
We are committed to developing resources and training that are God-centered, Bible-saturated, Gospel-focused, Christ-exalting, Spirit-dependent, doctrinally grounded, and discipleship-oriented.

Statement of Faith
See the Truth78 Statement of Faith, historical creeds, and belief statements that guide all of our resources.