Hiding God's Word in Young Hearts
WATCH VIDEOCreate a classroom environment that encourages children to treasure God’s Word.
Hiding God's Word in Young Hearts
WATCH VIDEODeepen children's discipleship in your church with Scripture memory.
Making God's Faithfulness Known to all Generations
WATCH VIDEOGear up for fall with a compelling vision and clear priorities.
The Discipleship-Centered Homeschool
WATCH VIDEOA webinar to help parents guide children to treasure Christ through education and discipleship in their home.
Raising a Generation that Hopes in God
WATCH VIDEOHear John Piper connect deep theological truth to raising a generation that hopes in God.
Gospel Faithfulness in the Classroom
WATCH VIDEOAn urgent call to ground our children's ministry in the great truths of the gospel
Safeguards 4 Kids
WATCH VIDEOA webinar from our friends at The Evangelical Council for Abuse Prevention
Choices Facing the Next Generation: Wisdom or Foolishness?
WATCH VIDEOPractical help for leading children on the path of wisdom.
Anchoring Children's Discipleship in Prayer
WATCH VIDEOA webinar for parents, grandparents, teachers, and ministry leaders
Discipleship Begins at Home
WATCH VIDEOEncouragement, practical guidance, and resources for intentional discipleship at home
Present Everyone Mature in Christ
WATCH VIDEOA webinar designed to inspire teachers and ministry leaders for the work of presenting the next generation mature in Christ.
Lead with Vision Webinar
A 2-part Webinar on spreading vision for next generation discipleship.
- WATCH PART 1 for children's discipleship advocates
- WATCH PART 2 for church leaders
Side by Side for the Faith of the Next Generations
WATCH VIDEOWatch a recording of this event intended to encourage and inspire you as we labor side by side for the faith of the next generation.
INSPIRE, EQUIP, LAUNCH! Zeal for children's discipleship this fall
WATCH VIDEOThis webinar, featuring David Michael, Sally Michael, and Jill Nelson, includes practical steps for inspiring, equipping, and launching your team along with a time for answers to your questions about children's discipleship this fall.
Zealous Together: Inspiration for Discipling the Next Generation
WATCH VIDEODavid, Sally, and Jill offer insight into growing zeal for the intentional, comprehensive discipleship of the next generation.
Media files for the "From Childhood You Have Known" Conference including links for the video of the plenary sessions and audio and handouts for the breakout seminars
Plenary Sessions
- Missions to the Future: The Power of Proverbs for Sharing the Gospel with Children: Ryan Fullerton
- Godly Character and Biblical Understanding for the Next Generation: Dr. Bruce A. Ware
- Zealous for the Discipleship of the Next Generations: David and Sally Michael
- Preparing the Next Generation for a World We Have Never Known: Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
Breakout Seminars
- Pastoral Leadership and Oversight of Christian Education David Michael Audio
- Teaching Youth and Engaging their Hearts Sally Michael Audio
- Training Children Towards Biblical Literacy Jill Nelson Video
- The Power of the Memorized Word Brian Eaton Audio
- Family Devotions Matter Steve Watters Audio
- Introduction to Truth78 Curriculum and Sequence Holly Urbanski Audio
- Christ-centered Parenting David and Sally Michael Audio
- Gospel-faithfulness in the Classroom Jill Nelson Audio
- Reaching the Heart - The Importance of Application Brian Eaton Video
- Elementary Lesson Preparation and Presentation Jo Ann Dinsmore and Kate Britton Audio
- Recruiting, Training, Equipping Volunteers Mary Steele Audio
- Preschool Teaching Holly Urbanski Audio