Our Mission

Our Mission

Truth78’s mission is to inspire and equip the church and the home for the comprehensive discipleship of the next generation. 

Inspire and Equip

While many churches have been growing in their understanding and eagerness to pursue a more comprehensive approach to Christian discipleship at an adult level, not all churches and parents have fully embraced or implemented the means necessary to incorporate this within children’s ministries and parenting. We are eager both to “inspire” the church and parents to embrace the privilege and the responsibility for the intentional discipleship of the next generation, and to “equip” them with the tools and resources that will support their efforts, enabling them to fulfill this high and holy calling.

Church and Home

We believe that God has called both the church and home to raise up the next generations to know, honor, and treasure God through Jesus Christ. This is accomplished through a strategic, loving partnership between the church and home. This partnership affirms the role and responsibility of church leadership to provide encouragement and training for parents, and also to provide formal instruction for children and youth. This partnership affirms that parents, by proximity, opportunity, and God’s design, bear a unique responsibility for nurturing their children’s faith. Our resources are designed to foster this partnership.


By “comprehensive” we mean discipleship that is deeply rooted in the breadth and depth of Scripture and that touches upon the mind, heart, and will. With the Apostle Paul we dare not shrink from declaring to the next generation “the whole counsel of God” (Acts 20:26). As we faithfully impart the full testimony of God’s revealed truth to the children in our homes and churches, our earnest hope and prayer is that they would, by God’s sovereign grace, become faithful and joyful followers of Jesus who are actively invested in the mission of the Church – for the praise of His glorious name!

Instruct the Mind

God has revealed Himself to us in the Bible, which communicates through words and concepts that first must be understood by the mind. Therefore, we are committed to developing resources and training that teach the next generations to rightly read, study, interpret, and apply Scripture. We believe that this is best done by an incremental, age-appropriate approach that provides the tools and skills needed for studying Scripture. Additionally, we aim to teach in a manner that fosters critical thinking and reasoning so that children and youth have an unwavering confidence in, and defense of, the Christian faith.

Engage the Heart

We believe that true saving faith in Jesus involves a radical heart transformation, which produces new desires, attitudes, and actions. While we fully acknowledge that only God can bring about this Spirit-wrought, grace-dependent transformation, we believe that it is our responsibility to guide, inspire, and implore the next generations toward a personal and sincere response to God’s truth. What is learned in the mind needs to transform the heart and will. Therefore, our teaching and training incorporates a format and methodology that challenges children and youth to embrace the truth of God by graciously entreating them to love, trust, obey, and delight in God through Christ.

Influence the Will

We believe that true saving faith will be evidenced by a growing desire to walk in obedience to God. While this is dependent on the transforming work of the Holy Spirit, God also expects His children to exert real effort. Our wills must put to death sinful, selfish ways and choose instead to daily trust Christ, submit to Him, and be doers of His Word. Therefore, our teaching and training is designed to influence the will of the next generations by guiding, challenging, and encouraging them to be Christ-like in all of their thoughts, words, and actions. We want them to see and experience the surpassing worth and lasting joy of living life fully surrendered to the perfect will of Jesus.

Proclaim the Whole Counsel of God

God calls us to make known to the next generations His greatness and worth through the testimony of His Word. This entails proclaiming the majestic breadth and depth of Scripture—both the whole, grand narrative and the individual, glorious parts.1 We believe this is best accomplished with an intentional, strategic plan that acquaints children and youth with the following:

1. A chronological overview of the Bible’s key stories and themes.
2. A study of the Bible’s historical, redemptive narrative (biblical theology).
3. An examination of the essential doctrines of the Bible (systematic theology).
4. God’s moral and ethical instruction: His law and commandments, the wisdom literature, and the teachings of Jesus and the apostles.
5. An explicit and careful study of the essential truths of the Gospel.

1. Piper, John. “The Great Story and the Single Verse.” October 24, 2012, DesiringGod.org (accessed 7/11/17).