Children in the Church Services

When families worship together, children receive an amazing intergenerational experience. It's here, in church together, that children can be influenced by the example of their parents and the congregation. 

Children are more likely to cherish and delight in the worship of God when they witness it firsthand in church. When children see their parents and other adults bowing their heads in earnest prayer, or lifting their hands in praise, it can stir children's hearts to worship. Observing their parents listening intently to the sermon, taking notes, and hungering for the Word of God can stir the same longing in their own hearts.

“What a benefit there is when children witness their mother or father singing with conviction, praying in reverence, listening intently to the sermon, or receiving the Lord’s Supper in joy. In these moments a child witnesses the importance of faith and worship. There are few greater encouragements to a child’s faith then seeing their parents worship God with reverence and joy.”

JASON HELOPOULOS, Children in Worship—Let’s Bring it Back

“Let the Little Children Come to Me” in Worship

In this seminar, David Michael considers the biblical perspective on whether children should be welcomed into the church worship services or attend a separate, child-friendly option. He also provides practical strategies for involving children in corporate worship services.

Big Benefits of Listening in Church

Learning to sit still in church can be difficult for children, but as they begin listening carefully, they will understand more. Little by little, they'll learn about God’s greatness, love, holiness, judgment, and faithfulness. They will begin to know how He works in the world. Children will hear of His mighty acts and His loving heart for His people. They will begin to understand what Jesus did on the cross and why He did it. They will learn how much they need to depend on Jesus and how His death on the cross made a way for sinners to be saved.

Strategies for Engaging Children in the Worship Service

Sometimes the difference for children between enduring the Sunday morning service and enjoying it is simply a matter of preparation and training.

Listen as Sally Michael encourages parents to enfold their children in corporate worship. She offers practical help for parents and strategies for children's ministry leaders who want to wecome children in the church. Download the handout.


8 Tips for Helping Your Child Worship

Download a free PDF with practical help for preparing and training your children so they can enjoy Sunday morning services.

Free Download

“Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God.” Mark 10:14b

  • My First Church Notebook

    My First Church Notebook: Let the Little Children Come helps three- and four-year old children focus on God during church services.

  • My Church Notebook

    My Church Notebooks: Come Into His Presence (Volume 1 and 2) guide elementary-aged children to participate actively in the service.

  • My Church Journal

    My Church Journal: Let Us Worship and Bow Down equips fifth through eighth graders to engage meaningfully in the church service and in personal devotions.


Welcome Children to Worship

When we welcome children into the worship service, we reflect Jesus’ open arms inviting children to come to Him.

When families worship together, children learn that they're part of the congregation. And their presence in corporate worship reminds the body of its responsibility to nurture them in the faith. But it's not always easy to have them there.

Children and the Worship Service offers a biblical vision for children’s active participation in the service, as well as practical help for the challenges that come with including children.


Help visiting children engage with the service

A valuable way to welcome visiting families is to provide them with tools to help their children focus on God and more fully participate in the worship service.

My Church Notes and My First Church Notes are printable downloads you can give to visiting families that include note pages from the My Church Notebooks.
