Our Vision
Our Vision
Our vision is that the next generations will, by God’s sovereign grace:

- Come to genuinely know the truth of the triune God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—by becoming acquainted with His divine character, glorious deeds, redemptive work, and steadfast promises as revealed in His inerrant Word, the Bible.
- Honor and revere God in a way befitting His incomparable greatness and worth.
- Treasure God with undivided love and devotion, experiencing Him as their all-satisfying joy.
- Set their full confidence and hope in Christ alone, who through His perfect life, sacrificial death, and victorious resurrection, reconciles sinners to God so that they might live as His covenant people.
- Live as faithful disciples of Jesus through grace-dependent, Spirit-empowered obedience to His holy and righteous ways, which day by day progressively conforms them into His image and likeness so that they will bear fruit and stand mature in Christ.
- Do everything for the glory of God by proclaiming His excellencies in all they think, say, and do so that His great name might receive all honor, thanksgiving, and praise!