Serve a range of discipleship needs with
curricula for every age

  • Summer Sunday School classes

    For Sunday School programs meeting year round, 13-week studies provide flexible, transitional summer discipleship.

  • Sunday morning or evening services

    Quarter-length studies can fill out plans for Sunday School, children's church, and evening services (and serve multiple ages).

  • Midweek programs

    13-week studies provide flexibility for midweek programs, especially when multiple grades meet together.

  • Family camps

    Intergenerational studies on key verses, prayer, the 10 commandments, and the gospel can be adapted for whole family discipleship in family camps.

  • Small groups

    Small groups can incorporate multiple generations into quarter-length studies that unite believers (young and old) in discipleship.

  • Words to Live By

    Words to Live By is a study for children presenting 13 of the 76 Bible verses that are part of the Foundation Verses Scripture memory program for young children.

    Lessons: 13

    Target Grade: Kindergarten

    Grade Range: Kindergarten - Grade 2

  • Lord, Teach Us to Pray

    Lord, Teach Us To Pray is an intergenerational (multi-age) curriculum that instructs young and old to approach God in prayer with a heart of submission to God’s desires and a trust in His good and right answers.

    Lessons: 13

    Age: Multi-age

    Age Range: 6 Years - Adult

  • The Righteous Shall Live By Faith

    The Righteous Shall Live By Faith is an intergenerational (multi-age) curriculum that instructs young and old in God’s perfect moral law and our inability to keep it, and points us to the grace that God gives through the redemption offered by the death of His Son.

    Lessons: 13

    Age: Multi-age

    Age Range: 6 Years - Adult

  • The Best Good News of All!

    The Best Good News of All! is a multi-age study for children on the gospel. The curriculum presents children with 10 essential, biblical truths that define and communicate the essence, means, and goal of the gospel.

    Lessons: 13

    Age: Multi-age

    Grade Range: Kindergarten - Grade 6


Adapting curriculum to your needs

After choosing a curriculum, you can prepare and teach the lessons based on the ages of your students. Find details on adapting for vocabulary, student involvement, and attention span in the resource Adapting Truth78 Curriculum to Your Specific Needs.

Summer study for youth

Fighter Verses Studies make it easier for children and adults to focus on God’s Word—the Word that has the power to shape how we think about Him, ourselves, others, the world, our decisions, how we spend our time, and more. Consider our quarterly options to supplement your Sunday school curriculum.

Fighter Verses Studies

Try curriculum with a free 30-day trial of our Truth78+ subscription.

Not sure which route to take? Schedule a free consultation with our Manager of Ministry Expansion!

  • Intergenerational Teaching: Why and How?

    This seminar highlights the value of intergenerational teaching and gives practical strategies for implementing this approach.

    Sally Michael shares these and other benefits of an intergenerational teaching model:

    Relational. It can remove barriers between age groups and provide an opportunity to be the church—a united body of believers.

    Cognitive. Children can think outside the box and provide different perspectives for the adults, as well as ask questions that adults never think of or are reluctant to ask.

    Conversational. Good intergeneration learning experiences can open communication between adults and children and prompt engaging spiritual conversations.

    Emotional. Little children can remind adults to learn with their hearts as well as with their heads.

    Simplicity. Adults can get caught up in fine tuning theological points, and children can help remind them of the important, basic truths, like Jesus died for sinners and that we should love one another.

    Application and Response. Seeing the eager acceptance and concrete responses of children is a wonderful way in which adults can be challenged to respond in obedience and faith to the truth.


40-week studies for multi-age classes

Upper and lower-level workbooks expand the 40-week studies Faithful to All His Promises and How Majestic is Your Name to serve 1st through 6th grade. Read "Tips for Teaching in Multi-Age Classrooms."