Truth78 curricula provides deep, comprehensive, and spiritually engaging discipleship for the next generation

Psalm 78 reinforces the vision of one generation faithfully passing the truth on to the next so they will, “set their hope in God” (vs 7).

For over 25 years, Truth78 has equipped churches to:

Introduce children to a glorious God

  • Proclaim a BIG and glorious vision of the triune God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
  • Maximize time spent in spiritual instruction.
  • Equip and train children and youth to rightly read, study, and apply God’s Word.

Present the breadth and depth of the whole counsel of God


Proclaim the glorious gospel of Christ

  • Emphasize both the glorious riches and serious cost of the gospel.
  • Weave evangelism and missions throughout teaching.
  • Address both believers and unbelievers in the classroom with carefully worded lessons.

Promote serious joy in the classroom

  • Encourage active minds in the learning process.
  • Communicate “hard” truths with biblical faithfulness and a gracious tone.
  • Disciple the mind, heart, and will.
  • Aim for heart transformation as you implore students to trust, love, and follow Jesus.

Deepen engagement and discipleship with curriculum tools

  • Help children grasp biblical truth with age-appropriate visuals and illustrations.
  • Provide meaningful engagement with the Scriptures with workbooks and journals.
  • Assist parents in discipling their children.

Provide teachers with nourishing, prayer-dependent lesson preparation

“Little did I know that what God was doing was equipping me, teaching me and revealing His counsel to me so that firstly, I would know Him more and love Him more. Because what he wants is that out of a heart of love for Him, we would pass His testimonies to the next generation…”

Fernanda Trocan, Immanuel Baptist Church


Benefit from readily available and highly experienced customer service

Our Customer Care Team has years of experience teaching Truth78 curriculum and resources. We are happy to consult with you about your particular situation and answer any questions you have.

Equip your church families for discipleship

Provide resources for home discipleship, Scripture memory, Bible study, engagement in the church service, and more.


How can Truth78 curriculum work for your church?

How long does it take for a teacher to prepare to teach Truth78 curricula?

This will vary depending on your style and familiarity with the curriculum. In general, however, the time may range from one and a half to two hours per lesson.

To simply read and understand the lesson and get visuals together, you could probably prepare in 30 minutes to an hour, but if you want to teach from an overflowing heart, spending time throughout the week is really beneficial.

One teacher outlined her lesson preparation in this way:

  • A week before the lesson, I read through the entire lesson and workbook to get the big picture of what is going on in the lesson. (15 minutes)
  • After reading through the lesson, I spend some time looking up the Scripture texts. I meditate on what this lesson is saying about God and what it means for me personally. Throughout the week, I think about the lesson and the texts, and try to internalize how it applies to my life at this time. In order to be authentic in my teaching, I want to be spiritually prepared by really understanding and loving the truth that is presented. (30-45 minutes looking up texts, etc.)
  • Several days before the lesson I get all the visuals together and plan how I am going to incorporate the visuals in the teaching. I sometimes teach the lesson quickly to my spouse, using the visuals as I would in teaching the children. (30-45 minutes)

How much time is required to teach the lesson in a Sunday school class?

Classroom time could run between 45 and 90 minutes. There are two essential components of a class time:

  1. Teaching of the Word: Lesson presentation
  2. Application: What did I hear? What do I understand about what I have heard? How do I hear God calling me to respond?

All other activities should be structured to support these two components. Other activities may include transition time, worship, prayer, Scripture memorization, and other optional activities.

How can I adapt the curriculum to teach multiple grades in one classroom?

Although we believe there are distinct advantages to teaching a particular curriculum to a specified age group, we understand this is not always possible. For example, some churches have classes that include children with a six-year age range. If this is the case, here is the first thing to consider before choosing a curriculum:

Carefully examine the Truth78 Scope and Sequence and curricula descriptions. Each curriculum specifies a targeted age and an age range. We have considered many factors to determine these age ranges. As much as possible, choose a curriculum that best reflects the age range represented in your class. See our multi-age studies.

After choosing a curriculum, you will need to prepare and teach the lessons based on the ages of your students. Find details on adapting for vocabulary, student involvement, and attention span in the resource Adapting Truth78 Curriculum to Your Specific Needs.

How to Buy Truth78 Curriculum

Our nursery through high school curricula are available through 3 options: print, yearly digital access, or a digital subscription.

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Try curriculum with a free 30-day trial of our Truth78+ subscription.

Not sure which route to take? Schedule a free consultation with our Manager of Ministry Expansion!

"I appreciate the well-thought out lessons and the illustrations of the concepts. It is nourishing to me personally, and the children understand what is taught in the lessons. The lessons reach their hearts, and they are able to explain the attributes, definitions, and conceptual ideas to me. I appreciate the doctrinal depth of the curriculum at their cognitive level. I also find that the children have not heard God described in such an elevated, supreme way before - where one delights in the many facets of His beauty, strength, and power. It does make the classroom more worshipful as we all focus on Him alone. It is very different from teaching or hearing Bible stories where God is in the background somewhere and children are bored because they've heard the stories already."

Yvonne Chin Grace Baptist Church, Lewisberry PA

Support your discipleship strategy with a curriculum that guides the next generations to know, honor, and treasure God