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Calvary: Holiness, Wrath, Love, and Grace


Yesterday's post talked about the importance of not allowing the story of Jesus' death on the cross to become a "flyover" as it were between Palm Sunday and Easter. But...

Calvary: Holiness, Wrath, Love, and Grace


Yesterday's post talked about the importance of not allowing the story of Jesus' death on the cross to become a "flyover" as it were between Palm Sunday and Easter. But...

What should we teach children about the holines...


This is a big topic! Thankfully Dr. Ware distills the essence of the issue using the following quote from A. W. Tozer as a jumping off point: What comes into...

What should we teach children about the holines...


This is a big topic! Thankfully Dr. Ware distills the essence of the issue using the following quote from A. W. Tozer as a jumping off point: What comes into...

The Cross is Not a "Flyover"


This is Holy Week and, as a Sunday school teacher, I have always found it somewhat frustrating that in our teaching cycle Good Friday is situated between two joyous celebrations....

The Cross is Not a "Flyover"


This is Holy Week and, as a Sunday school teacher, I have always found it somewhat frustrating that in our teaching cycle Good Friday is situated between two joyous celebrations....

Why did God...?


A question from a third grader after reviewing the biblical story of Adam and Eve's sin in eating of the one tree... “Mrs. Nelson, why did God put the tree...

Why did God...?


A question from a third grader after reviewing the biblical story of Adam and Eve's sin in eating of the one tree... “Mrs. Nelson, why did God put the tree...

How can parents and teachers encourage holiness...


In this video, Dr. Bruce A. Ware helps us distinguish the difference between holiness and legalism as we teach and train our children. The video includes this nugget, which gets...

How can parents and teachers encourage holiness...


In this video, Dr. Bruce A. Ware helps us distinguish the difference between holiness and legalism as we teach and train our children. The video includes this nugget, which gets...

Biblical Wisdom: A Biblical View of Life


Some good words to think about from Paul David Tripp for every parent and everyone who ministers to children and youth... What a teenager needs, if he is going to...

Biblical Wisdom: A Biblical View of Life


Some good words to think about from Paul David Tripp for every parent and everyone who ministers to children and youth... What a teenager needs, if he is going to...