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A Father's Blessing

Truth78 Staff

One of the most significant and defining events in our children's lives occurred every night at bedtime. My husband would take Sarah and Jacob aside and have a time of...

A Father's Blessing

Truth78 Staff

One of the most significant and defining events in our children's lives occurred every night at bedtime. My husband would take Sarah and Jacob aside and have a time of...

Sunday Morning Liberators—Encouragement for the...

Jill Nelson

Ever feel weary going into the classroom on Sunday mornings? Ever feel like the "good" stuff is happening down the hall in the adult classrooms? Ever feel like your ministry...

Sunday Morning Liberators—Encouragement for the...

Jill Nelson

Ever feel weary going into the classroom on Sunday mornings? Ever feel like the "good" stuff is happening down the hall in the adult classrooms? Ever feel like your ministry...

A Refuge in a Wildfire


Children Desiring God has developed a resource to assist parents in presenting the essential truths of the Gospel to children. Leave us a comment of any length on today's post,...

A Refuge in a Wildfire


Children Desiring God has developed a resource to assist parents in presenting the essential truths of the Gospel to children. Leave us a comment of any length on today's post,...

Creative Uses for Helping Children Understand t...


Since it was released in 2009, the booklet Helping Children Understand the Gospel has been used in a number of creative ways. Although it was written to help parents explain...

Creative Uses for Helping Children Understand t...


Since it was released in 2009, the booklet Helping Children Understand the Gospel has been used in a number of creative ways. Although it was written to help parents explain...

Telling and Explaining the Story of Calvary


In yesterday's post, we talked about the importance of giving children a proper context in which to understand the significance of Jesus' death on the cross. Namely, they must understand...

Telling and Explaining the Story of Calvary


In yesterday's post, we talked about the importance of giving children a proper context in which to understand the significance of Jesus' death on the cross. Namely, they must understand...

Helping Children to Understand the Gospel


The Gospel is the most important truth one generation can communicate to the next, and God calls parents and teachers to be wise sowers. This calls for accurate, discerning, and...

Helping Children to Understand the Gospel


The Gospel is the most important truth one generation can communicate to the next, and God calls parents and teachers to be wise sowers. This calls for accurate, discerning, and...