Help, I’m a Substitute!
As wonderful as it would be to have the same consistent Sunday school teachers and small group leaders every week, we all know there are times when substitutes are necessary....
Help, I’m a Substitute!
As wonderful as it would be to have the same consistent Sunday school teachers and small group leaders every week, we all know there are times when substitutes are necessary....
Are They Really Worshipping God?
As much as I delight in watching a roomful of 6- and 7-years olds jubilantly singing songs of praise to God in the classroom, I am reminded of these important...
Are They Really Worshipping God?
As much as I delight in watching a roomful of 6- and 7-years olds jubilantly singing songs of praise to God in the classroom, I am reminded of these important...
Now available for Android & iPhone: The Growing...
As Sunday School is starting this fall, Children Desiring God is excited to offer a new resource to help parents and churches partner together and extend learned beyond the classroom....
Now available for Android & iPhone: The Growing...
As Sunday School is starting this fall, Children Desiring God is excited to offer a new resource to help parents and churches partner together and extend learned beyond the classroom....
Making the Most of Your Sunday School "Transiti...
"Transition Time" is the time period at the beginning of class when children begin arriving. It is often characterized by children arriving at varying times. Depending on your classroom structure...
Making the Most of Your Sunday School "Transiti...
"Transition Time" is the time period at the beginning of class when children begin arriving. It is often characterized by children arriving at varying times. Depending on your classroom structure...
What Do Our Children Need from Us?
Consider these words from Dr. Joel Beeke, The salvation of our children is priceless; their spiritual needs far outweigh their physical needs. They need our prayers—our earnest prayers with hearts...
What Do Our Children Need from Us?
Consider these words from Dr. Joel Beeke, The salvation of our children is priceless; their spiritual needs far outweigh their physical needs. They need our prayers—our earnest prayers with hearts...
Reading the Bible through the Right Lens
If you have attended the preconference at one of our Children Desiring God national conferences, you probably remember the teaching emphasis that “the Bible is first and foremost a book about...
Reading the Bible through the Right Lens
If you have attended the preconference at one of our Children Desiring God national conferences, you probably remember the teaching emphasis that “the Bible is first and foremost a book about...