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Parenting a Sinner into Sainthood


Here are some words of wisdom from Sinclair Ferguson:, In a world drifting on a sea of parental moral and spiritual confusion, the doctrine of the total depravity of our...

Parenting a Sinner into Sainthood


Here are some words of wisdom from Sinclair Ferguson:, In a world drifting on a sea of parental moral and spiritual confusion, the doctrine of the total depravity of our...

Welcoming Missionary Children


This true story by Connie Oman serves as an important reminder: While readying a classroom before Sunday school, I noticed a missionary family on home assignment. I hugged the mom...

Welcoming Missionary Children


This true story by Connie Oman serves as an important reminder: While readying a classroom before Sunday school, I noticed a missionary family on home assignment. I hugged the mom...

Helping Children Apply Truth


I love this quote from Lou Priolo: For the Christian, learning is not facts to be learned but truth to lived.  (Teach Them Diligently: How to Use the Scriptures in...

Helping Children Apply Truth


I love this quote from Lou Priolo: For the Christian, learning is not facts to be learned but truth to lived.  (Teach Them Diligently: How to Use the Scriptures in...

Children in Corporate Worship: Always, Never, o...


Here’s a great reminder from pastor and blogger Kevin DeYoung from his post "History Helps Put Things in Perspective": I am strongly opposed to providing our kids with alternate worship...

Children in Corporate Worship: Always, Never, o...


Here’s a great reminder from pastor and blogger Kevin DeYoung from his post "History Helps Put Things in Perspective": I am strongly opposed to providing our kids with alternate worship...

Our Ambitions for Our Children


I found the short article, "Ambitious for Your Children?" by David Campbell to be very helpful. It caused me to reflect on my own ambitions for my children, especially when...

Our Ambitions for Our Children


I found the short article, "Ambitious for Your Children?" by David Campbell to be very helpful. It caused me to reflect on my own ambitions for my children, especially when...

Classroom Tip: Get There Early


After more than 25 years in the classroom, this tip would be on my "Top 10 List" for effective teaching: Arrive early to your classroom. What do I mean by...

Classroom Tip: Get There Early


After more than 25 years in the classroom, this tip would be on my "Top 10 List" for effective teaching: Arrive early to your classroom. What do I mean by...