As Sunday School is starting this fall, Children Desiring God is excited to offer a new resource to help parents and churches partner together and extend learned beyond the classroom. Our new
Growing in Faith Together App is now available for both
iPhone and
Growing in Faith Together: Parent and Child Resource Pages (GIFT Pages) have been created to help parents interact with their children about the spiritual truths taught in Sunday school. (In our original curriculum, these have been known as Parent Pages or Take-Home Pages.) These GIFT Pages, which correlate with our elementary curriculum, provide parents a summary of what children are taught in class, discussions questions to help lead children to a heart response and an activity suggestion to reinforce the lesson themes or memory verse.
The GIFT App is a great tool for weekly discussions at home or on the go and keeping your children caught up if they are sick or traveling and miss Sunday School. GIFT Pages can also be used as a discipleship or devotional tool for parents even if their children are not currently studying a Children Desiring God curriculum.
Where can I download the Growing in Faith Together App?
What curricula are available on the Growing in Faith Together App?
The GIFT app currently includes our three revised curricula:
We will be adding additional titles as our revised curriculum is released.
Growing in Faith Together App Features
Lesson Overview
GIFT Pages start by providing the Main Ideas of the lesson, a Memory Verse for the week, Scripture the lesson is based on, a Summary of the lesson and Prayer Points. These resources help parents know what was taught in Sunday School and review the themes with their children.
Discussion and Action
The As You Walk by the Way section provides discussion questions to help you interact with your child about the truths learned in class and study them at a deeper level. The Action Step challenges children to act on the truths they learned in the lesson.
Curriculum Specific Activities
Each curriculum features a special activity for children to do or for families to do together. Activities include Scripture memory, journaling suggestions, real-life stories and more. Finally, the interactive Share Ideas and Get Ideas function allows parents to submit their ideas and suggestions related to the lesson with other parents.

GIFT App is a free viewer. Please enjoy reading the curriculum overviews and GIFT Page samples for Lesson 1 of each study. Complete studies include 40 GIFT Pages and are available as an in-app purchase of $1.99 for each study.