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The Most Special Book: Student Workbook

The Most Special Book: Student Workbook

Exploring the Bible and Finding God

Lessons: 28
Target Grade: Grade 1
Grade Range: Kindergarten - Grade 2

This content is also available in our Truth78+ subscription.
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Order 1 for each student.

The Student Workbook will help students take ownership of listening, learning, and applying the lesson. It takes the truths presented in the lessons and helps the student examine his own life in light of these truths. Therefore, each student is encouraged to use a Student Workbook in class throughout the study, and then take it home at the end of the study. Parents can then use the workbooks to review with their children precious truth they have learned about God and His Word.

The revised curriculum was released in December of 2024. You may still purchase the workbooks for the original I Stand in Awe curriculum by contacting Customer Care.

Regular price $10.25 USD
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