Doing Better This Next Year
I want to do better this next year! I want to step away from the commercialized insanity of Black Friday and Cyber Monday, and even the commercialization of what some...
Doing Better This Next Year
I want to do better this next year! I want to step away from the commercialized insanity of Black Friday and Cyber Monday, and even the commercialization of what some...
A Prayer for Thanksgiving Day
Dear Lord, Our hearts are full and we barely know where to begin to express our praise and gratitude for the goodness and mercy that has followed us every day...
A Prayer for Thanksgiving Day
Dear Lord, Our hearts are full and we barely know where to begin to express our praise and gratitude for the goodness and mercy that has followed us every day...
Big, Bold, Biblical Prayers
The needs of those in the next generation, the challenges they face, and the opportunities before them are great. What might God be pleased to do if His people come...
Big, Bold, Biblical Prayers
The needs of those in the next generation, the challenges they face, and the opportunities before them are great. What might God be pleased to do if His people come...
A Priceless Treasury for our Children
The stores are already displaying Christmas decorations and stocking their shelves with an abundance of every imaginable toy and gadget. As you walk down the aisles, you can almost hear...
A Priceless Treasury for our Children
The stores are already displaying Christmas decorations and stocking their shelves with an abundance of every imaginable toy and gadget. As you walk down the aisles, you can almost hear...
When Children Aren’t Being Discipled at Home
God has ordained parents as the primary teachers and disciplers of their children and it is a sacred responsibility and privilege. All the many wonderful Sunday school classes and other...
When Children Aren’t Being Discipled at Home
God has ordained parents as the primary teachers and disciplers of their children and it is a sacred responsibility and privilege. All the many wonderful Sunday school classes and other...
Give Children Life by Telling Them the Truth ab...
Are you telling your children the truth about death? How you answer their questions about death, and how you bring up truths about death that our culture avoids, are critical...
Give Children Life by Telling Them the Truth ab...
Are you telling your children the truth about death? How you answer their questions about death, and how you bring up truths about death that our culture avoids, are critical...