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A New Year Prayer to Our Everlasting God

A New Year Prayer to Our Everlasting God

David Michael

Everlasting Father, We come to You as our everlasting Lord and Savior and King who rules an everlasting kingdom that shall never be destroyed, with an everlasting dominion that shall...

A New Year Prayer to Our Everlasting God

David Michael

Everlasting Father, We come to You as our everlasting Lord and Savior and King who rules an everlasting kingdom that shall never be destroyed, with an everlasting dominion that shall...

Top Five Posts of 2018

Top Five Posts of 2018

Truth78 Staff

As we come to the end of 2018, we are grateful for our long-term readers of this blog as well as those of you who started reading this year, especially...

Top Five Posts of 2018

Truth78 Staff

As we come to the end of 2018, we are grateful for our long-term readers of this blog as well as those of you who started reading this year, especially...

A Christmas Prayer of Praise

A Christmas Prayer of Praise

David Michael

As you prepare to celebrate Christmas and Christ's coming into our world, I wanted to share with you a Christmas prayer of praise, actually two prayers of praise. My hope...

A Christmas Prayer of Praise

David Michael

As you prepare to celebrate Christmas and Christ's coming into our world, I wanted to share with you a Christmas prayer of praise, actually two prayers of praise. My hope...

The Fruit of Vision-Oriented Children’s Ministry

The Fruit of Vision-Oriented Children’s Ministry

Steve Watters

Having a long-term, God-centered, Gospel-focused vision is crucial for discipling children and youth. The fruit of leading and teaching with this vision is illustrated well at North Wake Church in Wake...

The Fruit of Vision-Oriented Children’s Ministry

Steve Watters

Having a long-term, God-centered, Gospel-focused vision is crucial for discipling children and youth. The fruit of leading and teaching with this vision is illustrated well at North Wake Church in Wake...

The Life-Transforming Gift of Bible Memory

The Life-Transforming Gift of Bible Memory

Jill Nelson

No one wants to give boring presents for Christmas, especially not to children. But there is a gift that is often overlooked in its ability to captivate our minds and...

The Life-Transforming Gift of Bible Memory

Jill Nelson

No one wants to give boring presents for Christmas, especially not to children. But there is a gift that is often overlooked in its ability to captivate our minds and...

Cultivating Contentment at Christmas

Cultivating Contentment at Christmas

Jill Nelson

In a child’s mind, the thought of Christmas often conjures up the anticipation of gifts—lots and lots of gifts.“Can I get ____ for Christmas? Which presents are mine under the...

Cultivating Contentment at Christmas

Jill Nelson

In a child’s mind, the thought of Christmas often conjures up the anticipation of gifts—lots and lots of gifts.“Can I get ____ for Christmas? Which presents are mine under the...