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Give Your Students a "Window" for Their Birthday


As long as I have been teaching Sunday school, we always have had some kind of special ritual for celebrating student birthdays. It doesn't need to be anything elaborate or...

Give Your Students a "Window" for Their Birthday


As long as I have been teaching Sunday school, we always have had some kind of special ritual for celebrating student birthdays. It doesn't need to be anything elaborate or...

Who Are Your Child's Heroes?


Timely Thoughts from Pastor Art Murphy: God uses the lives of godly men and women to affect the lives of others, especially children. God's people should have a natural attractiveness....

Who Are Your Child's Heroes?


Timely Thoughts from Pastor Art Murphy: God uses the lives of godly men and women to affect the lives of others, especially children. God's people should have a natural attractiveness....

Repeat, Review, and Be Patient


This example from Phillip R. Johnson made me laugh, and it brought to mind similar experiences that I have had as a parent and teacher of young children. It also...

Repeat, Review, and Be Patient


This example from Phillip R. Johnson made me laugh, and it brought to mind similar experiences that I have had as a parent and teacher of young children. It also...

Communicating True Saving Faith to Children


I found this explanation and illustration regarding true saving faith from Tedd Tripp to be very helpful: We want our children to have faith in God. But what does it...

Communicating True Saving Faith to Children


I found this explanation and illustration regarding true saving faith from Tedd Tripp to be very helpful: We want our children to have faith in God. But what does it...

Teaching Big Truths and Difficult Doctrines to ...


Last Friday, we posted an article and video from Sally Michael about why we should teach big and difficult doctrines to children. As a follow-up to that post, we thought...

Teaching Big Truths and Difficult Doctrines to ...


Last Friday, we posted an article and video from Sally Michael about why we should teach big and difficult doctrines to children. As a follow-up to that post, we thought...

Reasons for Teaching Big Truths and Difficult D...


Some of you have may up picked up a new CDG curriculum this year (or some other curriculum) and wondered, after perusing the contents: Should we really be teaching such...

Reasons for Teaching Big Truths and Difficult D...


Some of you have may up picked up a new CDG curriculum this year (or some other curriculum) and wondered, after perusing the contents: Should we really be teaching such...