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Lullaby Theology 102: Singing the Whole Gospel ...


I’m one of those people who don’t believe in playing Christmas music until after Thanksgiving, so while As with Gladness, Men of Old may sneak into sleepy time repertoire a...

Lullaby Theology 102: Singing the Whole Gospel ...


I’m one of those people who don’t believe in playing Christmas music until after Thanksgiving, so while As with Gladness, Men of Old may sneak into sleepy time repertoire a...

Why Did I Sign Up for This?


For me, this question and related comments come every winter, and sound something like.... "Why do I live here? It's -12°F outside. I'm freezing to death. Why don't we just...

Why Did I Sign Up for This?


For me, this question and related comments come every winter, and sound something like.... "Why do I live here? It's -12°F outside. I'm freezing to death. Why don't we just...

Encouragement from Sudan


As a team, we are always encouraged and uplifted when we receive news of how the Lord is spreading the fame of His name throughout the nations. Recently, we received...

Encouragement from Sudan


As a team, we are always encouraged and uplifted when we receive news of how the Lord is spreading the fame of His name throughout the nations. Recently, we received...

Teaching the Seven "A"s of Confession


In yesterday's post we highlighted the importance of modeling redemption in our homes, which included the necessity of admitting to and confessing sin. Peacemaker Ministries has a guide called the...

Teaching the Seven "A"s of Confession


In yesterday's post we highlighted the importance of modeling redemption in our homes, which included the necessity of admitting to and confessing sin. Peacemaker Ministries has a guide called the...

Modeling Redemption in the Home


Have your children ever played the "blame game" when confronted with some kind of wrong attitude? Have they ever tried to deny the obvious, even when caught in the act?...

Modeling Redemption in the Home


Have your children ever played the "blame game" when confronted with some kind of wrong attitude? Have they ever tried to deny the obvious, even when caught in the act?...

A New Year and New Opportunities


The new year is a time of looking forward and planning—planning for the rest of the school year, planning for which activities and sports our children will participate in, planning...

A New Year and New Opportunities


The new year is a time of looking forward and planning—planning for the rest of the school year, planning for which activities and sports our children will participate in, planning...