One of the things that we are really excited about in the release of our revised curriculum is the updated visuals and graphics. As we mentioned in the FAQs about the revised curriculum:
When our curriculum was first being developed in 1998, it was written for use in one church, formatting was done in Word (PDF files were relatively unknown), clip art was cutting edge, electronic display meant overhead projectors and this website did not exist. Since then, both technology and the needs of the churches using our curriculum have changed significantly. What has not changed is our vision to teach God-centered Bible truth to children of all ages.
We are so glad that the curriculum visuals are moving into the 21st century, with graphics and visuals that can hold their own in a digital age. These free printables from the newly-revised My Purpose Will Stand (6th Grade) will give you a taste of the amazing quality of the illustrations and artwork. Use them as your desktop wallpaper, pin them, or share them to inspire yourself and others!

Lesson 3: God's Sustaining Providence
God is able to sustain the universe because He is unlimited. Placed against the backdrop of this spectacular lightning photography, students are reminded of God's power both visually and through the text.

Lesson 7: All God's Purposes Are Right
Students learn that God rules with perfect justice and righteousness. We can trust God to rule rightly because He is righteous in all He thinks and does.

Lesson 28: God's Providence Over Man's Way
Original illustrations by Fred Apps are absolutely stunning as they capture the essence of the biblical histories they recreate. You can see God's gift to him, and now to us, in this illustration of Rebekah watering the camels as God providentially revealed Isaac's wife in response to the prayer of Abraham's servant.

Lesson 33: God's Providence Over Prayer
This is the type of clean, fresh, modern graphics that are used in many of the teaching visuals. Students write this quote in their notebooks as they learn that God ordains prayer as a means to fulfill His purposes.