Male and Female He Created Them
Nine years ago, Dr. Albert Mohler wrote an article, "A Call for Courage on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood." His words were prophetic. The fault lines of controversy in contemporary Christianity...
Male and Female He Created Them
Nine years ago, Dr. Albert Mohler wrote an article, "A Call for Courage on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood." His words were prophetic. The fault lines of controversy in contemporary Christianity...
Defining God's Love + An Illustration
God is love. Maybe more than any other statement this has been used to identify God's basic essence. But if we consider God's love apart from the totality of God's...
Defining God's Love + An Illustration
God is love. Maybe more than any other statement this has been used to identify God's basic essence. But if we consider God's love apart from the totality of God's...
A Sense of Urgency in Our Ministry to Children ...
While preparing a seminar on presenting the Gospel to children, I was re-reading William Farley's book, God-Powered Parenting: How the Gospel Shapes and Transforms Parenting. This quote really hit home...
A Sense of Urgency in Our Ministry to Children ...
While preparing a seminar on presenting the Gospel to children, I was re-reading William Farley's book, God-Powered Parenting: How the Gospel Shapes and Transforms Parenting. This quote really hit home...
Shepherding the Little Lambs
Some good words from Pastor Art Murphy about leading children to Christ, Even if a child says all of the right things, he may not be ready to accept Christ....
Shepherding the Little Lambs
Some good words from Pastor Art Murphy about leading children to Christ, Even if a child says all of the right things, he may not be ready to accept Christ....
Giving Children a Right Perception of Self
Many years ago, Dr. Albert Mohler made the following observation: The idea that self-esteem is an essential part of a healthy personality is now virtually institutionalized in American culture... The...
Giving Children a Right Perception of Self
Many years ago, Dr. Albert Mohler made the following observation: The idea that self-esteem is an essential part of a healthy personality is now virtually institutionalized in American culture... The...
Why Our Children Need to Be Taught the Reality ...
They say what goes around, comes around. And, unfortunately, there is a lot going around that we need to be on the alert for so that we can prepare our...
Why Our Children Need to Be Taught the Reality ...
They say what goes around, comes around. And, unfortunately, there is a lot going around that we need to be on the alert for so that we can prepare our...