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Play Dates and Bible Lesson Dates


Every mother knows about scheduling "play dates" for young children. My 3-year-old grandson, David, always looks forward to his play dates with his favorite neighborhood friend, Ava. But this summer...

Play Dates and Bible Lesson Dates


Every mother knows about scheduling "play dates" for young children. My 3-year-old grandson, David, always looks forward to his play dates with his favorite neighborhood friend, Ava. But this summer...

A Profession by Pressure?


Here are some sobering words from John Leuzarder and, unfortunately, we have probably all seen examples of the "sorrow to everyone involved." Having our children embrace Jesus Christ as Lord...

A Profession by Pressure?


Here are some sobering words from John Leuzarder and, unfortunately, we have probably all seen examples of the "sorrow to everyone involved." Having our children embrace Jesus Christ as Lord...

Head, Heart, Hands, and Habitat


At our 2013 National Conference, Dr. Bruce Ware presented an excellent seminar titled "Teaching Children to Know and Love God by Knowing and Loving Theology." In that seminar, he emphasized...

Head, Heart, Hands, and Habitat


At our 2013 National Conference, Dr. Bruce Ware presented an excellent seminar titled "Teaching Children to Know and Love God by Knowing and Loving Theology." In that seminar, he emphasized...

How to Talk about So-Called Same-Sex Marriage w...


I ran across an article by Dr. Russell Moore recently. He writes about a topic many of us would have never imagined needing to address in our lifetime. But now,...

How to Talk about So-Called Same-Sex Marriage w...


I ran across an article by Dr. Russell Moore recently. He writes about a topic many of us would have never imagined needing to address in our lifetime. But now,...

Teaching with Eternity in Mind


As a Sunday school teacher of young children, it's often easy to fall into the "insignificant" trap where you're tempted to see your time spent teaching 6- and 7-year-olds as...

Teaching with Eternity in Mind


As a Sunday school teacher of young children, it's often easy to fall into the "insignificant" trap where you're tempted to see your time spent teaching 6- and 7-year-olds as...

Moving Youth toward Adulthood


Years ago, Dr. Albert Mohler wrote about a disturbing trend among young people: The transition to adulthood used to be one of the main goals of the young. Adulthood was...

Moving Youth toward Adulthood


Years ago, Dr. Albert Mohler wrote about a disturbing trend among young people: The transition to adulthood used to be one of the main goals of the young. Adulthood was...