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Too Much Sin Talk?


I do not have a definitive statistical study on this, but my guess is that if you were to do a word search encompassing all of CDG’s curriculum—from preschool to...

Too Much Sin Talk?


I do not have a definitive statistical study on this, but my guess is that if you were to do a word search encompassing all of CDG’s curriculum—from preschool to...

Mid-Year Zeal


The month of January: The days are short and the nights are long and cold (for some of us). The busy holiday season is over, and I’m tired and worn....

Mid-Year Zeal


The month of January: The days are short and the nights are long and cold (for some of us). The busy holiday season is over, and I’m tired and worn....

Your Family and the Church


The older I am, the more disheartened I am in learning of the number of children from Christian families who grow up and leave the church. Some of these young adults...

Your Family and the Church


The older I am, the more disheartened I am in learning of the number of children from Christian families who grow up and leave the church. Some of these young adults...

Teaching with a Heart that is Amazed by the Word


What is one gift you could give the students in your classroom this coming year? Something that would have a greater impact than creative activities, snacks, songs, lesson visuals, or games?...

Teaching with a Heart that is Amazed by the Word


What is one gift you could give the students in your classroom this coming year? Something that would have a greater impact than creative activities, snacks, songs, lesson visuals, or games?...

Top 5 Posts of 2015


What did you, our viewers, find most helpful on our blog this past year? What posts most peaked your interest? Based on the numbers, here were the top 5 posts:...

Top 5 Posts of 2015


What did you, our viewers, find most helpful on our blog this past year? What posts most peaked your interest? Based on the numbers, here were the top 5 posts:...

Crumbs Add Up


  You probably have noticed our emphasis on Scripture memory in the month of December with the release of our new Fighter Verses Study and related resources. And, you may feel...

Crumbs Add Up


  You probably have noticed our emphasis on Scripture memory in the month of December with the release of our new Fighter Verses Study and related resources. And, you may feel...