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Beyond Conversion: The Call to Disciple Our Children

Beyond Conversion: The Call to Disciple Our Chi...

Sally Michael

Before ascending into heaven, Jesus gave every Christian in every century a commission with eternal significance: …"All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore...

Beyond Conversion: The Call to Disciple Our Chi...

Sally Michael

Before ascending into heaven, Jesus gave every Christian in every century a commission with eternal significance: …"All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore...

Two Indispensable “Pillars” for Your Classroom

Two Indispensable “Pillars” for Your Classroom

Jill Nelson

A new Sunday school year is upon us, and ministry leaders and volunteers are busy planning, preparing, and setting classroom schedules. There are so many options for classroom time: hands-on...

Two Indispensable “Pillars” for Your Classroom

Jill Nelson

A new Sunday school year is upon us, and ministry leaders and volunteers are busy planning, preparing, and setting classroom schedules. There are so many options for classroom time: hands-on...

Recruiting Volunteers for Eternal, Kingdom Work

Recruiting Volunteers for Eternal, Kingdom Work

Jill Nelson

I can still remember cringing when I heard this announcement from the pulpit one Sunday morning long ago: We need more workers for children’s Sunday school. If you’re interested, there...

Recruiting Volunteers for Eternal, Kingdom Work

Jill Nelson

I can still remember cringing when I heard this announcement from the pulpit one Sunday morning long ago: We need more workers for children’s Sunday school. If you’re interested, there...

7 Questions for Evaluating Bible Story Resources for Children

7 Questions for Evaluating Bible Story Resource...

Jill Nelson

Years ago I watched a movie that, in a sense, took my breath away. It had beautiful imagery and a storyline that gripped your heart and swept you into the...

7 Questions for Evaluating Bible Story Resource...

Jill Nelson

Years ago I watched a movie that, in a sense, took my breath away. It had beautiful imagery and a storyline that gripped your heart and swept you into the...

Infinitely Better Than Fireworks

Infinitely Better Than Fireworks

Jill Nelson

Today Americans celebrate the 4th of July, and all across the country millions of people will enjoy a traditional fireworks display. As you are gathered together, it’s fun to hear...

Infinitely Better Than Fireworks

Jill Nelson

Today Americans celebrate the 4th of July, and all across the country millions of people will enjoy a traditional fireworks display. As you are gathered together, it’s fun to hear...

Why Vision Matters in Discipling Children and Youth

Why Vision Matters in Discipling Children and Y...

Jill Nelson

Several years ago, I was hiking with my  family through a desert in 90-plus-degree weather. It was grueling, to say the least! The redeeming feature of this hike was the...

Why Vision Matters in Discipling Children and Y...

Jill Nelson

Several years ago, I was hiking with my  family through a desert in 90-plus-degree weather. It was grueling, to say the least! The redeeming feature of this hike was the...