Teaching children the gospel by no means exhausts the parents’ teaching responsibility. Also bound up in the principle of Deuteronomy 6:6–7 is the duty of teaching our children wisdom for life. The gospel is the necessary starting-point, because “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” (Psalm 111:10, emphasis added). No one is truly wise who rejects or disregards the gospel message.
But beyond the truths of the gospel are also many vital biblical lessons about character, integrity, justice, prudence, discernment, and all the practical issues of life. Parents are charged with the duty of carefully training their children with godly wisdom in all such matters.
The book of Proverbs is an inspired summary of practical wisdom. The sayings recorded there were assembled by Solomon for his son’s sake. Most of them were actually written by Solomon but some are others’ proverbs, collected by Solomon. The best wisdom of several ancient sages is thus compiled in Solomon’s Book of Proverbs with the seal of divine inspiration guaranteeing that these sayings are “profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness” (2 Timothy 3:16).
Proverbs is therefore a fitting textbook for parents, and fathers in particular, to teach their children the kind of practical wisdom necessary for successful God-honoring life.
(“What are Your Children Learning from You?,” www.gty.org)
So, instead of simply letting our children enjoy the “lazy days of summer” (and yes, there is definitely a place for that!), consider spending some time going hard after wisdom. Here are three resources that could be used this summer to help you pursue biblical wisdom:The Way of the Wise: A Study for Children on Wisdom and Foolishness
- 28 Lessons
- Targeted for 2nd- 5th grade, but adaptable as an intergenerational study
- Consider using it over 2 summers–14 lessons one year, 14 the second year
- Consider buying it now, use it as a personal study for yourself this summer, and then teach it beginning in the fall.
Wisdom Quest (formerly Wisdom Calls Aloud): Discovering Biblical Wisdom and the Fear of the Lord
- 5 Lessons structured to be used as a Backyard Bible Club or Vacation Bible School
- Kindergarten-6th Grade
- 26 chapters written for elementary-aged children
- Can easily be used as a family devotional
- Each chapter includes practical application questions and activities
(Image courtesy of nuttakit at FreeDigitalPhotos.net.)