Sunday mornings are “all hands on deck” for our family. My husband and I are actively involved in helping our daughter and son-in-law engage their four young children in the corporate worship service. I’m happy to say that progress is being made with the 3- and 5-year-olds. The 1-year-old twins have a long way to go, but they are observing and benefiting from the experience in more ways than we can imagine. Much of this progress can be attributed to a partnership of church and parents—a church that encourages, assists, and welcomes children in the worship service, and parents who actively prepare and train their children. That is why I am so excited that we now have these resources available to share:
For the church—“Let the Children Come to Me in Worship" (video), in which Pastor David Michael lays out a biblical vision and philosophy for encouraging children to be in the corporate worship service.
For parents—"Strategies for Engaging Children in the Worship Service" (audio), in which Sally Michael gives very practical advice for parents.
8 Tips for Helping Your Child Worship—a free brochure.
And last but not least a special resource for children:
My Church Notebook is designed to guide elementary aged children to participate in the service. It teaches them to actively listen to the sermon, take notes, recognize key points, ask questions, and discover more about God and His ways.