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Youth Curriculum
My Purpose Will Stand
A Study for Children on the Providence of God
Lessons: 40
Target Grade: Grade 6
Grade Range: Grade 5 - Grade 7
Fight the Good Fight
A Study for Children on Persevering in Faith
Lessons: 28
Target Grade: Grade 6
Grade Range: Grade 4 - Grade 6
Pour Out Your Heart Before Him
A Study for Youth on Prayer and Praise in the Psalms
Lessons: 28
Target Grade: Grade 7
Grade Range: Grade 6 - Grade 8
Teach Me Your Way
A Study for Youth on Surrender to Jesus and Submission to His Way
Lessons: 40
Target Grade: Grade 7
Grade Range: Grade 7 - Grade 12
Your Word is Truth
A Study for Youth on Seeing All of Life Through the Truth of Scripture
Lessons: 40
Target Grade: Grade 8
Grade Range: Grade 7 - Grade 12
Abiding in Jesus
A Study for Youth on Trusting Jesus and Encouraging Others
Lessons: 28
Target Grade: Grade 8
Grade Range: Grade 7 - Grade 12
Rejoicing in God's Good Design
A Study for Youth on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood
Lessons: 28
Target Grade: Grade 9
Grade Range: Grade 7 - Grade 12
Open My Eyes
A Study for Youth on Studying the Bible
Lessons: 40
Target Grade: Grade 10
Grade Range: Grade 9 - Grade 12
The Fighter Verses Study, Set 1
Year-long Devotional Study on Verses to Help Believers "Fight the Fight of Faith"
Lessons: 52
Age: Multi-age
See how curriculum in the youth library contributes to teaching the whole counsel of God within the Truth78 scope and sequence
The following resources are free with subscription
Zealous: 7 Commitments for the Discipleship of the Next Generations
See sample -
Big, Bold, Biblical Prayers for the Next Generation
See sample -
Indestructible Joy for the Next Generations
See sample
Discipleship Downloads
Family Devotions
Praying Scripture
Scripture Memory
Blessing Children
Helping Children Read the Bible
Preparing for Worship
Gospel Truths
Partnering with Church
Scripture Memory Resources
Churchwide Memory Kit
See sample -
Fighter Verses Bookmarks
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+ 25% off printed family discipleship resources
+ Training modules
+ Printed curriculum (from subscribed content) offered at a subscriber discount (for example: 40% off Youth Journals)
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+ New curriculum as it is released
+ Ongoing curriculum upgrades / enhancements
Truth78+ Youth Pricing
Truth78+ Youth and Children Pricing
Choose your ministry size by the number of children and youth you will serve with the curriculum. Determine if you will pay for the 1-year commitment monthly or at the discounted annual price.