What files do I need?

What files do I need?

Within each Introduction section you will find:

  • Visuals Packet for Print–complete visuals that may be printed at the beginning of the year
  • Visuals for E-Users to Print–to use along with Visuals for E-Users within each lesson; these are visuals that cannot be displayed electronically so will need to be printed
  • Visuals as JPEGsif you want to customize your electronic visuals presentation

Within each lesson section you will find:

  • Visuals for Print Only Usersvisual resources to use during the lesson
  • Visuals for E-Usersvisuals that can be displayed electronically (use along with Visuals for E-Users to Print from the Introduction)

What's the difference between Print Visuals and Visuals for E-Users?

  • If you want to print your own visuals:
    Visuals Packet for Print to print out all the visuals before the year starts or Visuals for Print Only Users if you want to print out visuals each week. Each visual has a code with the lesson number and a letter to indicate sequence of use. We recommend printing these resources in color on cardstock and possibly laminating them for future use.
  • If you want to primarily display visuals electronically:
    Visuals for E-Users. A blank slide is included when there is a long break between visuals. We recommend displaying the PDFs in “full-screen mode.” These visuals are identified in the lessons with bold text. Visuals for E-Users to Print are visuals that need to be printed because they cannot be displayed electronically.