Instructions for the Admin and Managers

The Admin, during the checkout process, agreed to Truth78’s Permitted Use Policy on behalf of their organization:

Continual access to and permitted usage in any format (digital or print) of Truth78 resources contained within your Subscription is dependent on an active Truth78+ Subscription. If your Subscription expires, you and/or your organization agree to no longer use any resource obtained through the Truth78+ Subscription.

This agreement was made on behalf of the organization and extends to all the teachers and volunteers who use the Digital Subscription Platform. If your Truth78+ Subscription is no longer active, Admins and Users are no longer permitted to use the curriculum, even if they have downloaded it to their local computing device or have a printed copy.

Definition of Subscription Status:

Active - The Subscription is active when payment has been made. While active, the Digital Subscription Platform is accessible by the Admin and all users they’ve given access to.

Canceled - The Subscription is an annual commitment that can be paid annually or in 12 monthly installments. If you make:

  • One annual payment, the Subscription can be canceled at any time.
  • 12 monthly installments, the Subscription can be canceled after the 12th payment has been made.

Expired - Once a Subscription is canceled, and annual commitment is fulfilled, the Subscription changes from active to expired. The Digital Platform is not accessible when the Subscription expires.


  • The Subscription will auto-renew each year on the anniversary of the purchase date until canceled by the Admin.
  • An expired Subscription can be reactivated anytime after it was canceled.
  • The users and their curriculum assignments will remain intact one year after the expiration date.
  • A canceled Subscription can be reactivated any time after it was canceled.
  • To change a monthly Subscription to an annual Subscription, the Admin must call Customer Care to end monthly payments and begin a new annual Subscription.

Admin - The Admin can manage the Subscription as defined above and purchase printed resources at the discounted rate. The Admin can add or remove Managers and Users, assign or remove curriculum, and optionally request Full Print access. Full Print access allows Churches/Organizations to print and distribute an entire printed copy of the teacher materials.

Note: Teachers can print all the teaching material on a lesson-by-lesson basis along with the full Visuals Packet, so Full Print access may not be needed by many churches/organizations.

Managers - Managers can add or remove users, and assign or remove curriculum access to the users.

Users - Users are the teachers and volunteers that have been given access to curriculum by an Admin or Manager. They can access and print all the teaching material they’ve been assigned to on a lesson-by-lesson basis.

Notes: Admins and Managers have full and equal control over all the Users and their curriculum assignments. The Admin and Managers will all have access to all the curriculum in the libraries purchased in their Subscription. It is not necessary to assign them to a curriculum.

Watch this 3-minute video on how to give your teachers access.

Follow these instructions to Grant Teacher Access to the Digital Platform:

  1. Login to the Truth78 website
  2. From your Account, under Admin Menu, select Manage Users/Curriculum
  3. Under Manage Users, expand the Add or Remove Teachers/Volunteers section
  4. Enter the names and emails of your teachers/volunteers and press Add Users
  5. Repeat this form until all teachers have been added

Teachers will receive an email that will instruct them how to create their user account on and access the Digital Subscription Platform. If your teachers cannot find the email, they may need to check their spam folder. They will need to activate their account by creating a password. They will not have access to any curriculum, however, until you assign them curriculum access.

Follow these instructions to Assign curriculum to Teacher(s):

  1. Login to the Truth78 website
  2. From your Account, under Admin Menu, select Manage Users/Curriculum
  3. Under Manage Curriculum Access, expand the Assign Curriculum to Teachers/Volunteers section
  4. Check a curriculum title that you want to assign
  5. Select the users that you want to assign to the selected curriculum
  6. Press Add Access to save your changes
  7. Repeat this process for each curriculum title

Teachers will receive an email letting them know that they’ve been assigned curriculum on the Digital Subscription Platform.

Follow these instructions to Grant Manager Access to the Digital Platform:

  1. Login to the Truth78 website
  2. From your Account, under Admin Menu, select Manage Users/Curriculum
  3. Under Manage Users, expand the Add or Remove Teachers/Volunteers section
  4. Enter the names and emails of your managers and press Add Users
  5. Repeat this form until all managers have been added

Managers will receive an email that will instruct them how to create their user account on and access the Digital Subscription Platform. If your managers cannot find the email, they may need to check their spam folder. Managers can add or remove users, and assign or remove curriculum access to the users.