Bold Mission
Accelerate the Mission
Thank you for investing in Accelerate the Mission. This project is 100% funded due to generous partnership. Please visit our Give page for donations to the general fund.
Invest in this special project and support the business model shift to a simplified distribution of resources, greater reach and influence, and long-term sustainability.
We believe that this model transformation will allow us to reach more churches, homes, and language groups for the comprehensive discipleship of the next generation. We pray that as a result, more children and students will be impacted for eternity.
Giving toward Accelerating the Mission will be matched, which means your investment and impact are doubled.
You can also mail a check to Truth78 PO Box 851684 Minneapolis, MN 55485-1684 or give via a donor advised fund, IRA, or other investment fund of your choice. Email us with any questions.