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Teachers: Is This Book on Your Summer Reading L...

Jill Nelson

Summer is an ideal time for reading to refresh and energize the soul. For anyone who teaches children and youth it’s also an opportunity to become a better teacher. At...

Teachers: Is This Book on Your Summer Reading L...

Jill Nelson

Summer is an ideal time for reading to refresh and energize the soul. For anyone who teaches children and youth it’s also an opportunity to become a better teacher. At...

For the Indestructible Joy of the Next Generation

David Michael

As a conclusion to his famous Sermon on the Mount, Jesus told a story that, for generations, has been famous among Sunday school children and, for decades, has captured the...

For the Indestructible Joy of the Next Generation

David Michael

As a conclusion to his famous Sermon on the Mount, Jesus told a story that, for generations, has been famous among Sunday school children and, for decades, has captured the...

Summer Reading

Candice Watters

As school winds down for a longed-for summer break, teachers and librarians everywhere are urging kids to use the less-scheduled days reading books. “Read for fun! Read for retention! Read...

Summer Reading

Candice Watters

As school winds down for a longed-for summer break, teachers and librarians everywhere are urging kids to use the less-scheduled days reading books. “Read for fun! Read for retention! Read...

True Faith Takes Mind, Heart, and Will

Jill Nelson

As a parent and teacher I find these words from Jesus especially sobering, This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me; in vain do they...

True Faith Takes Mind, Heart, and Will

Jill Nelson

As a parent and teacher I find these words from Jesus especially sobering, This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me; in vain do they...

Spiritual Eyes and Ears for Things Hidden

Spiritual Eyes and Ears for Things Hidden

Sally Michael

Have you ever looked at a Magic Eye™ picture? The page is covered with repeated designs that are very apparent to any viewer. But, for those who have eyes to...

Spiritual Eyes and Ears for Things Hidden

Sally Michael

Have you ever looked at a Magic Eye™ picture? The page is covered with repeated designs that are very apparent to any viewer. But, for those who have eyes to...

12 Reasons to Choose Truth78 Curriculum

Jill Nelson

After an unusually long, cold winter, it's finally summer! But churches are already thinking ahead to the fall. What will they teach the students next year; the current curriculum or...

12 Reasons to Choose Truth78 Curriculum

Jill Nelson

After an unusually long, cold winter, it's finally summer! But churches are already thinking ahead to the fall. What will they teach the students next year; the current curriculum or...