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Small Investments and Oaks of Righteousness

Small Investments and Oaks of Righteousness

Sally Michael

What would we give for our children to become mighty oaks of righteousness? An hour of teaching on Sunday morning? A few hours of preparation? A regular weekly prayer for...

Small Investments and Oaks of Righteousness

Sally Michael

What would we give for our children to become mighty oaks of righteousness? An hour of teaching on Sunday morning? A few hours of preparation? A regular weekly prayer for...

Guiding Children toward Rock Solid Faith

Guiding Children toward Rock Solid Faith

Jill Nelson

An increasing amount of evidence demands that we take the lack of Christian intellectual faithfulness seriously.

Guiding Children toward Rock Solid Faith

Jill Nelson

An increasing amount of evidence demands that we take the lack of Christian intellectual faithfulness seriously.

Family Devotions—Keep It Simple and Steady

Family Devotions—Keep It Simple and Steady

Jill Nelson

When it comes to family devotions, well-intentioned parents can be overwhelmed with trying to juggle a myriad of other responsibilities, and regular devotions never get off the ground. Some parents desperately want...

Family Devotions—Keep It Simple and Steady

Jill Nelson

When it comes to family devotions, well-intentioned parents can be overwhelmed with trying to juggle a myriad of other responsibilities, and regular devotions never get off the ground. Some parents desperately want...

Planning Special Events for the Glory of God

Planning Special Events for the Glory of God

Jill Nelson

It’s important to create and plan youth events within the overall vision in mind. Are these events serving to guide students to know, honor, and treasure God, setting their hope in Christ...

Planning Special Events for the Glory of God

Jill Nelson

It’s important to create and plan youth events within the overall vision in mind. Are these events serving to guide students to know, honor, and treasure God, setting their hope in Christ...

Prepare to Answer the Hard Questions When You Teach

Prepare to Answer the Hard Questions When You T...

Jill Nelson

One of the great joys of teaching or leading a small group arises when children ask amazing questions. Many prove easy to answer, but some are very difficult. The challenge for teachers and...

Prepare to Answer the Hard Questions When You T...

Jill Nelson

One of the great joys of teaching or leading a small group arises when children ask amazing questions. Many prove easy to answer, but some are very difficult. The challenge for teachers and...

How Concrete Illustrations Help Children Learn God’s Truth

How Concrete Illustrations Help Children Learn ...

Jill Nelson

At first glance, illustrations in a lesson may seem unnecessary and time-consuming for a teacher, but good illustrations done well can serve as springboards to helping children understand God’s truth.

How Concrete Illustrations Help Children Learn ...

Jill Nelson

At first glance, illustrations in a lesson may seem unnecessary and time-consuming for a teacher, but good illustrations done well can serve as springboards to helping children understand God’s truth.