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Reflecting the Beauty of the Church to our Chil...


The world is very quick to point out the failings and imperfections of Jesus’ Bride, the Church. As parents, we must be very careful to give our children a picture...

Reflecting the Beauty of the Church to our Chil...


The world is very quick to point out the failings and imperfections of Jesus’ Bride, the Church. As parents, we must be very careful to give our children a picture...

Missions Resources for Children and Families


Here is a list of some helpful websites that can provide your classroom and family with up-to-date information about what God is doing around the world, as well as practical...

Missions Resources for Children and Families


Here is a list of some helpful websites that can provide your classroom and family with up-to-date information about what God is doing around the world, as well as practical...

Our Children Need a Lamb who Roars


It may be that my memory is already greatly impaired, but the only song I recall from my early Sunday school years is “Jesus Loves Me.” Another memory is a...

Our Children Need a Lamb who Roars


It may be that my memory is already greatly impaired, but the only song I recall from my early Sunday school years is “Jesus Loves Me.” Another memory is a...

The 2034 Evangelical Christian Survey


Imagine this: It’s 20 years in the future. Our children and students (now well into their adult years) participate in a survey meant to gauge their theological knowledge of the...

The 2034 Evangelical Christian Survey


Imagine this: It’s 20 years in the future. Our children and students (now well into their adult years) participate in a survey meant to gauge their theological knowledge of the...

“The Bible is…”—What our kids need to know


Here is a very helpful article from Jon Bloom: “Be Ready to Answer Your Kids’ Questions About the Bible.” Here is how he begins: Kids are thinkers. They ask good...

“The Bible is…”—What our kids need to know


Here is a very helpful article from Jon Bloom: “Be Ready to Answer Your Kids’ Questions About the Bible.” Here is how he begins: Kids are thinkers. They ask good...

Great Hope for Imperfect Parents


Have any of you had a difficult parenting week? Are you feeling discouraged and even a little defeated? Then take great hope in these words: Because parenting is difficult, and...

Great Hope for Imperfect Parents


Have any of you had a difficult parenting week? Are you feeling discouraged and even a little defeated? Then take great hope in these words: Because parenting is difficult, and...