- Almighty—He is all-powerful.
- Attentive—He constantly sees, hears, and acts in the world.
- Bountiful—God is more than enough to satisfy all our desires.
- the Creator of everything.
- the Deliverer—He saves His sinful people from the punishment they deserve.
- Eternal—He has no beginning or end.
- Exalted—God ranks far above everything else. He is the Most High.
- Faithful—God always does what He says He will do.
- Glorious—He shows His greatness and worth.
- Good—Everything God is and does is worthy of approval.
- Happy—He delights in being God.
- Holy—God is like nothing else. He is perfect and is separate from sin.
- Incomprehensible—He is more than we can fully understand.
- Jealous—God will not share His glory, or the honor and praise He deserves.
- King—He rules over everyone.
- Love—God gives of Himself for the joy of others.
- Merciful—God is kind to undeserving sinners.
- Never-Tiring—He never gets tired and never sleeps.
- Omnipresent—God is everywhere all the time.
- Omniscient—God knows everything.
- Patient—He is slow to anger and slow to punish.
- the Provider—God meets the needs of His creation.
- a Refuge—God is a place of safety for His people.
- Righteous—Everything God thinks, says, and does is right.
- Self-Sufficient—He doesn’t need anything.
- Sovereign—God has the right, wisdom, and power to do all that He pleases.
- Trinity—God is three Persons in one God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
- Unchanging—He never changes.
- Understanding—God remembers that we are weak.
- Victorious—God always wins, even over Satan, sin, and death.
- Wise—He causes everything to work out perfectly.
- Worthy—God is most valuable and deserves our greatest love, obedience, and worship.
- Wrathful—He is very angry at sin, and is right to punish sinners.
- Yahweh—This is God’s personal name and belongs to no one else.
- Zealous—God always acts with His whole heart.
(Image courtesy of tuelekza at FreeDigitalPhotos.net.)