With spring just around the corner, it’s not too early to start making summer plans…plans for vacation, plans for a garden, and maybe plans for a Backyard Bible Club or Vacation Bible School.
If you’ve never done a Backyard Bible Club before, just think of the possibilities before you. Every member of your family or small group can participate—inviting children, teaching a lesson, leading in singing, helping with crafts or games, providing treats, or just making sure everyone feels welcomed and loved.
Most Backyard Bible Clubs meet for five sessions. These could be five consecutive mornings or afternoons, or you could spread them out a bit. Invite neighborhood children, your children’s classmates, and the children of coworkers, friends, or relatives. Hold the club in your backyard or garage. Meet for as little as an hour, or as much as three hours, though we recommend an hour and a half. The group can be of any size and any age group, provided you have enough help from volunteers.
The Bible lesson is the main focus of the Backyard Bible Clubs, but you could include singing, games, crafts, and snacks. There are worksheets available to help the children to remember what they learn and apply it to their lives. And there are handouts to send home with the parents each time, providing an opportunity to share the Gospel with them as well. Hosting a Backyard Bible Club can lead to deeper relationships and more opportunities for evangelism, reaching whole families.
Backyard Bible Clubs are also used by churches for Vacation Bible School. Children Desiring God has
four titles to choose from, each presenting the Gospel clearly and accurately to children in kindergarten through sixth grade.
Also, if you are able to attend our
National Conference in Indianapolis, April 14-16, there will be a seminar at the conference especially designed for those interested in Backyard Bible Clubs and Vacation Bible School:
Using Children Desiring God Curriculum in Backyard Bible Clubs and Vacation Bible School
Deb Watters
Do you want to reach children in the church and neighborhood with truth that awakens spiritual interest and feeds spiritual hunger? Do you wonder whether the children in your VBS are missing the message because of a slick and entertaining production? Come learn how to implement Children Desiring God curriculum designed for Backyard Bible Clubs and Vacation Bible Schools. This seminar will encourage you with practical steps, testimonies, and ideas to tailor the curriculum to the needs of your church or community.
Finally, if you have any questions, please
contact us. May the Lord bless you and establish the work of your hands as you prepare to share the Gospel with the next generation this summer!
(Image courtesy of nuchylee at FreeDigitalPhotos.net.)