Along with Christmas, Resurrection Day – Easter – is probably one of the most beloved holidays for children. But why do children love Easter so much? Is it merely the delightful, celebratory elements that grip their attention or something much more profound and meaningful?
The answer to that will be, in some measure, dependent on what we teach them about the resurrection of Jesus. That’s why it’s paramount that we teach them about Easter in the larger context of the gospel message: what Jesus’ resurrection accomplished, what it guarantees for the future, and how we obtain these promises.
Here is a succinct summary from John Piper,
The resurrection of Jesus is God's gift and proof that his death was completely successful in blotting out the sins of his people and removing the wrath of God...From the cross the Son of God cried, "It is finished" (John 19:30). And by means of the resurrection, God the Father cries, "It was finished indeed!" The great work of paying for our sin and providing our righteousness and satisfying God's justice was finished in the death of Jesus. Then, in the grave, he had the right and the power to take the keys of death and open the door for all who come to him by faith. (The Passion of Jesus Christ, copyright ©2004, pages 100-101)
We would love to assist churches and parents in helping children understand these glorious realities by offering a variety of gospel-grounded resources at a discount through April 11.