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Three Resolutions for the Year Ahead

Three Resolutions for the Year Ahead

Steve Watters

Teachers, what do you want to see happen in your classroom this year? What are your aspirations and goals for your students? Toward that end, what must you commit yourself...

Three Resolutions for the Year Ahead

Steve Watters

Teachers, what do you want to see happen in your classroom this year? What are your aspirations and goals for your students? Toward that end, what must you commit yourself...

Knowing the Truth in Order to Love the Truth

Knowing the Truth in Order to Love the Truth

Jill Nelson

How can we help children know and love God? In a seminar at the 2013 national conference, ”Teaching Children to Know and Love God by Knowing and Loving Theology,” Dr. Bruce...

Knowing the Truth in Order to Love the Truth

Jill Nelson

How can we help children know and love God? In a seminar at the 2013 national conference, ”Teaching Children to Know and Love God by Knowing and Loving Theology,” Dr. Bruce...

15 Questions to Evaluate Your Classroom Experience

15 Questions to Evaluate Your Classroom Experience

Jill Nelson

The end of the school year is a good time to look back and evaluate the joys, surprises, challenges, and shortcomings of your classroom experience with children and youth. If...

15 Questions to Evaluate Your Classroom Experience

Jill Nelson

The end of the school year is a good time to look back and evaluate the joys, surprises, challenges, and shortcomings of your classroom experience with children and youth. If...

Are There Dangers to the Gospel in Our Classrooms?

Are There Dangers to the Gospel in Our Classrooms?

Jill Nelson

This may seem like a sensationalized question, but I would ask you to read on before simply dismissing the question out-of-hand. This came to mind after reading the 9Marks answer...

Are There Dangers to the Gospel in Our Classrooms?

Jill Nelson

This may seem like a sensationalized question, but I would ask you to read on before simply dismissing the question out-of-hand. This came to mind after reading the 9Marks answer...

Illustrating a God-Centered Definition of Love

Illustrating a God-Centered Definition of Love

Jill Nelson

God is love. Maybe more than any other statement this has been used to identify God's basic essence. But if we consider God's love apart from the totality of God's...

Illustrating a God-Centered Definition of Love

Jill Nelson

God is love. Maybe more than any other statement this has been used to identify God's basic essence. But if we consider God's love apart from the totality of God's...

Ministering in Light of the Throne Room

Ministering in Light of the Throne Room

Jill Nelson

This week, I have a challenge for us, as we minister to children and youth in our classrooms, or as we parent or grandparent. Let’s look at the young faces...

Ministering in Light of the Throne Room

Jill Nelson

This week, I have a challenge for us, as we minister to children and youth in our classrooms, or as we parent or grandparent. Let’s look at the young faces...