He changes times and seasons; he removes kings and sets up kings… (Daniel 2:21a)
We mark time predominantly in God’s good design of years. This is why, when a year comes to a close, individuals and organizations often look back in a time of reflection. What were our goals for the year? Were they realized? What unexpected events played a major role in the year’s outcome? Was I faithful to influence these outcomes? It is good for us reflect on questions such as these and recognize that it is God Himself who changes times and seasons. He establishes and removes earthly rulers…God is in control of all things, and He works in us, both to will and to work for His good pleasure. God’s Work for CDG in 2015 One of many ways God worked for CDG this past year was in the establishment of a new nonprofit. Since 1997, CDG has functioned as a division of Desiring God. But in late October, we received notice from the IRS that our application to be an independent tax-exempt nonprofit was approved! Although we are just now announcing this transition, it has been in the works for years. Much time over the last 12 months was spent preparing for this change. On December 2, the Desiring God Board of Directors approved the final steps for CDG to move to a new 501c3 nonprofit organization. For now, we will continue to be called Children Desiring God. At the December meeting, John Piper expressed his passion for the vision we share for the next generation and the importance of CDG’s work. He reiterated that this transition does not reflect a desire to distance Desiring God from CDG. Rather, these are necessary steps to see CDG flourish in its Gospel mission for the next 50 years. We want millions of the next generation to know and cherish Jesus Christ as the only One who can save and satisfy their soul. Our calling is to produce God-centered, Bible-saturated, Christ-exalting resources to equip parents and churches as they instruct the mind, engage the heart, and nurture the faith of the next generation. This organizational change allows us to form relationships with individuals who share a passion for the next generation and want to partner together to reach millions of the next generation. As we express our core values of passionate spreading and radical generosity, we acknowledge that this is made possible through partnerships with those who share our vision for the next generation. Here are just two examples of reaching the next generation that flow from these core values: In the coming new year, we will continue to share more of these stories with you. We believe that you will be excited to hear about what God is doing around the world through the use of CDG resources. And, we would welcome your partnership in this mission of radical generosity in order to spread this vision. Please prayerfully consider becoming a Next Generation Partner by joining us in prayer and, if you are able, in financial partnership. Visit our Next Generation Partner page, or contact me directly to learn more. Brian Eaton Executive Director, Children Desiring God