So Many Lessons, So Little Time

So Many Lessons, So Little Time

Here is an often-voiced dilemma from those who are using our Sunday morning elementary and youth curriculum:

This study has 40 lessons, but we have only 35 available weeks in our Sunday school year. What should we do?

Unfortunately, there is not “one-size-fits-all” answer to this question because every class situation is different. The most beneficial solution needs to take into account not only the intentional structure and flow of the curriculum, but also your individual class structure and student needs. However, we can offer some help. Here are some general things to look for and consider:

  1. Read the curriculum Introduction very carefully. Some of our curricula offer suggestions about which lessons can be omitted or readily combined without losing the overall flow of the curriculum. Or, absent of this, some general principles are outlined to guide you in making decisions that will best serve your students.
  2. On our website, click on and read through the expanded scope and sequence that is available for your particular curriculum. Doing so can help you to decide which lessons are more crucial for the study as a whole.
  3. Take into account which lessons emphasize concepts that your students may already be more familiar with, as compared to newer, less familiar concepts. “Weigh in” more heavily on lessons addressing these newer topics and consider combining or omitting lessons with the more familiar concepts.
  4. Consider doing a one-lesson “missed lessons round-up” by providing the students with the main ideas and a key verse for each missing lesson. Be creative as possible. This is the method I have used most often when I have had to omit five or more lessons in a year.
  5. Make sure to keep explicit Gospel lessons front and center—Don’t simply assume that the Gospel is one of those familiar concepts that can be omitted.
  6. Ask: Is there a way that you can encourage parents to cover these missing lessons in the home? The best and most appropriate way to do this is to send home the corresponding Growing in Faith Together (GIFT) page for any lessons missed. Also, making sure that each student has his or her own workbook will ensure that they all finish the year with the main ideas and Scripture for all 40 lessons in their possession.

Yes, we know that for many of you there are so many lessons and so little time! We hope these suggestions will help resolve that dilemma more readily. And, as always, our cheerful customer service team is available to help you with any further questions. You can call us at 877.400.1414 or email



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