As you listen to the sermon, write in the notebook a simple sentence that you have just heard the minister say. Remember to write it in the type of lettering that little George will be able to read, in the size that he is used to. Then hand it to George and tell him to copy it. If he is a beginner, he will take awhile to do so. When he hands it back to you, smile, and listen to the sermon for a moment, and write another sentence…
Depending on the age and patience of your child, you can decide whether to have him write 5 sentences, or 10, or more. As he improves, he will be quicker and will accomplish more. He may keep it up throughout, or he may tire. I usually found it beneficial to “push” my child to do just one more after he said he was getting tired of it. This helped him to develop endurance.
After the service, take the notebook home. If you will take a few moments to read it over when he is present, and to show it to your spouse, he will see that this is important to you, and it will help him to strive to do it well. If he is able, you might even have him read it as a part of your family Bible reading time…
This activity also gives him something very worthwhile to do during worship…It says to him that he is capable of taking sermon notes, just like the “big people” do…
As his notebook progresses, you could use it during the week to help him remember what he learned on Sunday. If you are enthusiastic, he will be also.
(Found at www.banneroftruth.org )
(Image courtesy of Paul at FreeDigitalPhotos.net.)