Reasons for Teaching Big Truths and Difficult Doctrines to Children—Part 1

Have you ever wondered, after reading a new Truth78 curriculum, Should we really be teaching such hard truths to these young children? In the seminar Teaching the Difficult Doctrines in Children’s Ministry, Sally Michael points out 13 reasons for teaching  difficult truths and doctrines to children:
  • Children need an accurate view of God and the message of the Bible.
  • Children need them in order to embrace the Gospel.
  • Children are not hindered in their acceptance of hard truths by past experiences, emotions, or prejudices.
  • The Word evokes worship in those who have eyes to see its glorious truths.
  • Children’s hearts are typically tender toward truth, and therefore it is critical to teach truth to them before their hearts are hardened.
  • Knowing the Word is the foundation for fearing God and being protected from sin.
  • Truth is learned precept upon precept.
  • Teaching this way gives children a biblical framework for interpreting all of life.
  • Being taught the whole counsel of God helps prevent wrong thinking that must be undone later in life.
  • Truth causes children to become mature in their faith.
  • Discernment is trained through constant practice.
  • Children can only see themselves accurately as they look into the Word of God.
  • Teaching truth is essential if teachers are to stand in the judgment as good shepherds.

To learn more, watch as Sally unpacks each of these important reasons during the first 30 minutes of Teaching the Difficult Doctrines in Children’s Ministry

Read part 2 of this post, “How to Teach Big Truths and Difficult Doctrines to Children.”

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