I ran across an article by Dr. Russell Moore recently. He writes about a topic many of us would have never imagined needing to address in our lifetime. But now, as more and more states have legalized same-sex "marriage," it has become unavoidable. Dr. Moore gives this thoughtful advice to parents:
The Bible isn’t nearly as antiseptic as Christians sometimes pretend to be, and it certainly doesn’t shirk back from addressing all the complexities of human life. If we are discipling our children, let’s apply the Scriptures to all of life. If we refuse to talk to our children about some issue that is clearly before them, our children will assume we are unequipped to speak to it, and they’ll eventually search out a worldview that will.
This doesn’t mean that we rattle our children with information they aren’t developmentally ready to process. But we know how to navigate that already. We talk, for instance, about marriage itself, and we give age-appropriate answers to the “Where do babies come from?” query. The same is true here. There is no need to inform small children about all the sexual possibilities in graphic detail in order to get across that Jesus calls us to live as husbands and wives with fidelity and permanence and complementarity.
You can read the whole article
Also, one of the best sermons I have heard regarding this topic is from John Piper, “
‘Let Marriage Be Held in Honor’—Thinking Biblically About So-Called Same-Sex Marriage.” I would highly recommend parents read or watch this sermon before discussing the issue with your children as it will give you a solid biblical perspective from which to engage with your children.
(Image courtesy of Boykung/FreeDigitalPhotos.net)