Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving This Thanksgiving, our hearts are overflowing with thankfulness to the Lord for so many blessings, both small and large. We are thankful for family, friends and home, but most importantly for the truth found in the Gospel. We are also so thankful for each and every one of you, our partners in ministry. Thank you for joining us in the mission to spread a passion for the supremacy of God in all things so that the next generation may know and cherish Jesus Christ as the only One who saves and satisfies the desires of the heart. Thank you for joining us in prayer that parents and churches will continue to partner together to instruct the mind, engage the heart and nurture the faith of our children so that millions in every generation will set their hope in God. Happy Thanksgiving from the Children Desiring God Team! David, Sally, Jill, Brian, Terry, Holly, Lori, Suzy, Karen, Nicole and Rachel    
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