It is with joy that we thank God for the faithful ministry of a longtime Children Desiring God employee and send him off with a blessing as he moves into a new phase of life and ministry.

For 13 years Jim Tomaszewski has anchored our customer service efforts.

Some of you may know Jim through phone conversations as he answered your questions about Sunday School curriculum, how to teach biblical truth to children or what it means to have a God-centered vision for ministry. He probably asked you a few insightful questions, too, and most likely prayed for you as you navigated the waters of children’s ministry and parenting.

Jim loves children and is a very gifted teacher. His experience leading small group and helping guide and direct application has helped many children apply the truth of God’s Word to their own lives.

We admire the fact that he is a man who applies Scripture to his own life as well!

Jim is also a gifted trainer and has spoken at a number of events through the years. His passion to spread a vision for God-centered ministry and to equip whose who are implementing the vision in their own churches has allowed Jim to impact the lives of thousands of our ministry partners.
We've all been blessed by Jim's thoughtfulness, strengthened by his encouragement, and challenged to think deeply because he asks the tough questions. And we dare not neglect to mention how his humor and joyful service has lifted our spirits! Children Desiring God is thankful to God for His faithfulness to Jim and his family.

Jim, may you continue to be one who trusts in the Lord, who like Mount Zion cannot be shaken but endures forever. As the mountains surround Jerusalem, may the Lord surround you from this time forth and forevermore.
Jim, we love you!
If you've been blessed by Jim in some way, please feel free to leave a comment for him!