As a Sunday school teacher, I have always ended the school year with mixed emotions: joy at seeing and remembering the grace and goodness of God, knowing that He was at work bringing about growth in teacher and students alike—some children even coming to genuine faith during the year; sadness as I reflect on how much I will miss this group of children I have grown to know and love; and a certain amount of relief as a crazy, busy year draws to an end.
But there may also be a kind of lingering, discouraging doubt…a feeling that your time in children’s ministry has not really been valuable or appreciated by parents or the larger church community. This is not to say that teachers and people who minister to children should be serving for the praise of parents and others! We should have a Colossians 3:23-24 attitude in all we do. However, expressing thanks is befitting the people of God and is a great encouragement for those who serve your children. Here are some practical ideas that have blessed me over the years.
Parents, you could help your children make a…
- homemade card for your child’s teacher–a simple note of thanks goes a long way. I still have cards I’ve saved from years ago!
- simple gift—over the years, I received cookies, candy, a beaded bracelet, potted plant, etc.
Parents, you could send a written note of appreciation on your behalf. Believe me, these notes are a great encouragement!
Ministry leaders you could…
- host an appreciation event to express thanks to your children’s ministry workers
- give a specially themed gift to your ministry teams (mug, t-shirt, pen, book, etc.)
- write individual notes to each children’s worker
Whatever you do, big or small, it will be a great encouragement to those who have faithfully ministered to the children and youth of the church.
(Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at FreeDigitalPhotos.net.)