The above definition of providence is used throughout the My Purpose Will Stand curriculum. It helps students learn incrementally 1) What God's providence is; 2) The extent of His providence; and 3) How to respond to His providence.
We asked the author, Sally Michael, a few questions about the newly-revised curriculum:
Q: Why is the providence of God such an important concept for children to learn and understand?
A: Understanding God’s providence gives a person a place of security in all the circumstances of life. If children understand everything is under God’s constant care, they have the foundation for learning that they can trust God.
Q: What is your hope for students who learn about God's providence?
A: My hope is that children will have the understanding that nothing escapes God’s notice but everything is under His sovereign care, leading them to have the confidence that they can trust God in all circumstances.
Q: What was your main objective in revising the lessons, which were previously written for 2nd through 6th grade classes?
A: My main objective was to specifically target 6th grade students, using appropriate activities and teaching illustrations that match a 6th graders' intellectual comprehension. In so doing, I was able to answer some critical questions about God’s providence that 6th graders would ask such as, "If God is sovereign, why pray?" and "If God is sovereign does man have real choices?".
Learn more about My Purpose Will Stand or view curriculum samples.By the end of 40 Lessons, the majority of students will have this helpful definition memorized: