After months of planning and preparation, we are excited to announce that on April 10 Children Desiring God will officially become Truth78, an independent 501(c)3 organization structured to more strategically fulfill our mission to equip the next generations to know, honor, and treasure God. We will mark this launch on April 10 with a new website, new resources, and a special launch event.
The name Truth78 connects us to Psalm 78, which has been a signature text defining our ministry over the past 20 years. Psalm 78 charges us to take this testimony we've received from our fathers and faithfully pass it on to the next generation so that they would set their hope in God.
Ever since Children Desiring God was established as a ministry of Desiring God in 1998, these two ministries have shared a similar name, typeface, and color palette. Over the past 20 years, however, as Children Desiring God grew more broadly as a developer of curriculum, the Fighter Verses™ Scripture memory tools, family discipleship resources, and vision-casting and training, Desiring God has increasingly focused its emphasis on spreading a passion for the supremacy of God through resources on In the video included here, John Piper describes how these ministry developments resulted in distinctive needs for infrastructure, technology, fundraising mechanisms, and artistic and editorial methods. “We saw pretty clearly after a while that we were holding each other back from the maximum flourishing of both by trying to constrain this under one organizational structure,” he explains. “Hence the new name and new organizational structure.”

- Glorious God, Glorious Gospel, an interactive devotional for families
- When I Am Afraid, a children’s book
- A newly revised A Father’s Guide to Blessing His Children booklet that will also be available as an app
- Indestructible Joy for the Next Generations, an anthology featuring chapters by John Piper, Albert Mohler, Russell Moore, Bruce Ware, and more