If you did not heard our exciting news last week, we have officially released the revised version of
Jesus, What a Savior!
Jesus What a Savior! is a 40 week Sunday school curriculum designed to teacher Kindergartners about Redemption. In the curriculum, author Jill Nelson shares why she wrote the curriculum.
A few years ago, I asked a class of first grade children, “How does a person get saved from their sin?” Many eager hands went up. The responses of these eager children? “By obeying God,” “By being kind to people,” “By being real good.” Not one child made reference to Jesus' death on the cross for sinners. It was not that these children did not know about the cross and its message, but it was not on the front burner of their hearts and minds. And so, the curriculum, Jesus, What a Savior! was born.
Jesus, What a Savior!, children are presented with these main themes:
- The incomparable greatness and worth of God, who is to be desired and treasured above all things (represented by a silver heart).
- The desperate condition of sinners who have fallen short of treasuring the glory of God and are totally helpless to save themselves (represented by a darkened heart).
- The all-sufficient work of Jesus on the cross to save sinners who put their trust in Him (represented by a red heart).
This is the glorious Gospel of Jesus! Salvation from sin cannot be found in any other person or place. Obeying God will not save us from our sin. Being kind will not save us from our sin. Being good will not save us from our sin. Only Jesus is able to save us from our sins.