Having our children embrace Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior based on a clear knowledge of the Gospel is the most important concern of a Christian parent. Jesus said, "Let the children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these" (Matt. 19:14). But, we must at the same time recognize that in our zealousness to see our children saved we can subtly pressure them into making a decision to follow Christ in order to please us, rather than God who knows the heart. The consequences of a profession of faith made under pressure, and not from a sincere heart can be serious and in time can bring confusion and sorrow to everyone involved.
(The Gospel for Children: A Simple, Yet Complete Guide to Help Parents Teach Their Children the Gospel of Jesus Christ, copyright©2002, page 37)
(Image courtesy of Arztsamui/FreeDigitalPhotos.net.)