A New Resource to Help Children Put Away Fear

A New Resource to Help Children Put Away Fear

Years ago when our daughter was young, she was absolutely terrified of going to sleep at night. Even though she shared a room with a sibling, had a German Shepherd to snuggle with, and had prayer time with daddy before bed, she was still overwhelmed with fear—every single night. 

That’s just one example of a child dealing with a specific fear. Your child, or a child you know, may be overwhelmed by other kinds of fears: mean kids at school, being alone, peer pressure, academic tests, sickness, loss of loved ones, being excluded, and on and on. What’s a parent to do? How can we help children in a way that offers true freedom? 

It can be a despairing thought for a child to think that he must live with fear the rest of his life. Dealing with the same futile thinking that leads to fear that controls and limits him is living in an endless cycle of defeat. Efforts to bolster the child’s self-confidence end in dismal failure. Though we can teach and encourage that child, we are helpless to change a fearful heart. True change can only come through the empowering grace of the Holy Spirit who can turn a child’s heart away from self-interest and self-reliance to confident faith in the almighty, unchanging, wise, and loving God.

This is a quote from Sally Michael in her new resource, Putting Away Fear, which provides eight topical, interactive sessions for adults and children to engage with, along with specific application activities. 

Whether you are a parent, a lay counselor, a grandparent, or any Christian adult, may the instructions and activities in this booklet help you lead the next generation in walking in confident faith, boldly living to proclaim the excellencies of Christ and His coming Kingdom, eager to follow Christ in whatever Kingdom endeavor He calls them to. May they dwell “in the shelter of the Most High” and “abide in the shadow of the Almighty.”—Sally Michael

Putting Away Fear is the second title in a new series of booklets for parents and people who counsel children called Learning Christ: Putting off the Old, Putting on the New

This resource is intended to be used with school age through junior high children but can easily be adapted to accommodate an older child.

Each chapter in Putting Away Fear leads the child to dependency on Christ through instruction, discussion, and application, and includes a follow-up assignment focusing on the mind, heart and will of the child.  
  • The follow-up assignments are also available as a supplemental Assignment Notebook in print or fillable PDF (26 pages).
  • Bulk pricing is available for 10 or more copies of both Putting Away Fear and the Assignment Notebook. 
  • The booklet is available in print and as an e-Book on Kindle.


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