I want to say this as clearly as I know how: If you neglect to train your children in their use of the Internet, you are failing in your parental responsibility. If you neglect to monitor what your children are doing online, you are neglecting your duty. If you are going to allow them to use the Internet—and I think you should so they can learn to use it under your care—you absolutely need to train them to use it well. To train them well you simply need to engage them in the tech talk.
Please read the entire article as he discusses three categories of danger that should be discussed and some helpful resources for your family. Also, if you are planning to come to our National Conference in April, I would highly recommend attending the following seminar:Picking Up the Digital Blitz: Recognizing and Countering the Technology Rush in Our Homes (Tim Keeter) Many may be surprised to learn that God's Word has plenty to say about how Christians should handle digital technology—and it's clear and grace- filled! Our goal in this seminar is to come alongside parents and students (and those who minister to parents and students) in their effort to interact with technology in their homes and personal lives. Practical instruction will address strategies for introducing technologies into the home, training children in the wise and faithful use of technology, and how to identify, correct, and prevent idolatries surrounding digital technologies.
(Image courtesy of Sura Nualpradid at FreeDigitalPhotos.net.)