In case you missed the news, we released
Open My Eyes last week, our first curriculum for senior high students. The 40-week study teaches youth how to study the Bible. This week, we are going to give you an inside look at the 4 themes the lessons are structured around:
- The need to study the Bible
- Understanding the genres of Biblical literature
- Learning inductive Bible study skills
- Responding to God in faith from the heart
Before being taught how to study the Bible, the first five lessons lead students to discover the steadfastness of the Bible and why it is critical to study the Bible. The starting point of this curriculum is the truth of the authority of the Bible. Because the Sovereign God of the Universe is the Author behind the authors of the Bible, the Bible is true in all its parts and completely reliable. Man’s understanding of Scripture can be in error, but this divine book, inspired by the Holy Spirit is never in error. Students are given the sober warning that God’s authoritative Word cannot be changed, questioned or disobeyed without grave consequences.
Although it may be daunting to attempt to study a divine book with that warning, the Bible is a clear book that the Holy Spirit uses to enable ordinary people to know God. The Bible was written to all peoples of all generations by God, who wants to be known and understood by ordinary people. Students, who belong to God, love, understand and see the clarity in His Word.
Not only are God’s children able to understand the Bible, it is imperative for them to study it. Youth may often raise questions, “Is there more than one way to God?” and “Isn’t it enough to be sincere in whatever faith you choose?” But, they will learn that the Bible is necessary for salvation, maintaining spiritual life and knowing God’s Will. It is the sufficient source of truth, containing all we need for salvation and faith, and must not be added to.
Both studying the Bible through the help of the Holy Spirit and meditating on memorized verses are crucial to understanding the truths of the Bible and growing in faith. A haphazard approach to reading the Bible often results in overlooking large portions of the Bible and missing its overall structure. But, a plan or system for Bible reading and study can help one to avoid these pitfalls. Understanding the Bible is the result of a combination of a redeemed heart, diligent study and dependency on the Holy Spirit. Only then will students be able to truly discern the author’s intended meaning of a passage and glean the spiritual truths that encourage us to grow.
The final lesson before digging into Bible study methods, gives youth an overview of God’s redemptive plan. They will see how the Old Testament informs the New Testament and how the New Testament interprets the Old Testament. The Bible is one continuous, interconnected story with a central message as God’s plan and purposes progressively unfold. Ultimately, the whole Bible is about Jesus. It was written that we might believe that Jesus is the Son of God and receive life in His name.
Check back tomorrow, to see how students will gain an understanding of the genres of Biblical literature. To learn more about
Open My Eyes, view the
Curriculum Sample or
place an order for your own copy of the study.