Standing on the promises that cannot fail,
When the howling storms of doubt and fear assail,
By the living Word of God I shall prevail,
Standing on the promises of God.
But though I had the words and tune memorized, I don’t remember anyone actually describing and explaining what these promises were. What was I supposed to be standing on? Well here are 28 promises found in the Bible—all given by a faithful God who ALWAYS keeps His promises—that our children should know and can depend upon: God promises…- salvation for everyone who truly repents and believes in Jesus.
- eternal punishment (hell) for everyone who does not repent and believe in Jesus. (Yes, our children need to know that some promises are dreadful!)
- God will be with you everywhere, at all times, watching over your life.
- nothing can separate you from God’s love.
- complete forgiveness when you confess your sins.
- God will complete His work in you, making you more and more like Jesus.
- you will bear fruit (good works).
- God will hear your prayers.
- He will guide you to know what is right.
- God will provide for your needs.
- He will not withhold any good thing that is good for your life.
- God will fight for you and act on your behalf.
- He is slow to anger and is patient with you.
- God will give you strength.
- though you may stumble, God will sustain and hold you.
- God will discipline you for your good because He loves you.
- He plans good for you, and He brings new mercies everyday.
- God will be with you in hard times.
- He will not bring any unnecessary suffering into your life.
- If you remain steadfast under trial, you will be rewarded.
- God will keep you from ultimate harm and guard your soul and faith.
- He will deliver you from all your troubles.
- God will end suffering for His children and turn it to joy.
- All things will work together for your good.
- God will never forsake you.
- He will never forget His promises.
- God is not slow in keeping His promises—His timing is perfect.
- eternal life—living forever with Jesus!
Grade Range: 2nd Grade-4th Grade, 40 lessons Children will not simply learn about some of God's promises, but rather, they will discover what it means to trust in those promises, which are God's gift to us, not something we deserve. Faithful to All His Promises begins by teaching children what a promise is, what makes God trustworthy with these promises, and who these promises are for. Then children get to explore some specific promises from God to see how He has been and will be faithful to each of those promises.
Family devotional book:
God’s Promises This book is adapted from the curriculum and is a read-to and read-along book for parents with early elementary-age children. Each chapter ends with personal application and activities, and includes full-color illustrations. (120 pages)